Recommended resources on the Hebrew Script. This list is continually updating so check back.
David, Ismar. The Hebrew Letter: Callgraphic Variations (Book and Charts). Jason Aronson, Inc; 1990.
Toby, L.F. The Art of Hebrew Lettering. Rolf Schuster; 1960.
Wardi, Ada (Ed.) New Types: Three Pioneers of Hebrew Graphic Design. The Israel Museum; 2016.
Yardeni, Ada. The Book of Hebrew Script: History, Palaeography, Script Styles, Calligraphy & Design. Oak Knoll; 2003.
An Introduction to Hebrew Type
An introductory article by Meir Sadan
What is a "serif" in Hebrew?
A discussion on Hebrew serifs/sans-serifs
Hebrew Typography Blog
Oded Ezer's blog on Hebrew Typography
Some guidelines and recommendations for the design of a Hebrew book typeface
Adi Stern's disseration from the Typeface Design MA course at Reading University.
The Website of Simon Prais
Downloadable PDF article covering issues and ideas about Hebrew and Latin typography.
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