Photo by Efrat Levy
There are no upcoming workshops at this time. Updates will be posted on this page.
Introduction to Hebrew Writing at ATypI 2018, Antwerp; 11 September 2018
Hebrew Writing at TypeCon 2018, Portland; 2 August 2018
Minshar for Art, as part of the Hebrew Type Design course
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, as part of the Elements of Typography course
Interested in hosting a workshop at your school/conference/event/company? You're welcome to contact me about it.
Meir Sadan is a designer based in Tel Aviv. He teaches the basic typography courses at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem and an advanced course in type design at Minshar for Art in Tel Aviv. Over the past decade he developed methods for teaching and designing Hebrew type based on his professional experience, as well as various methods he learned and adapted from people and programs around the world. He constantly improves, relearns and adapts his knowledge and methods, so it's rare that two workshops are exactly alike.